This article follows the first part introduced here HOW DELPHIX HELPS ANSWER COMPLIANCE REGULATORY [Part-I]

Before continuing on how you can consume the masking jobs you've created, i will just give some more details on the job configuration screen

In-Place masking method defines that the job should be executed on the database to replace the sensitive data with factious but meaningful ones.

Multitenant defines the job as reputable and allows existing rulesets to be re-used to mask identical schemas via different connectors

No of streams defines the numbers of parallel streams to mask x tables concurrently

Min-Max Memory fixes the memory pool allocation for the Java Virtual Machine of the masking job that defaults to 1GB

Update threads fixes the numbers of update threads to run in parallel to update a given table on ruleset

Once our job is created lets get see how we can call it from the virtualization engine. To do so refresh the admin web interface or logout/login back to trigger the check for available masking jobs)

Now we will associate the job with our dsource to have the ability to call it as needed at vdb provision time from this dsource

Click on the pencil icon on the far right of Masking tab and move the job to "Selected masking jobs" box

It's time to do fun stuff lets provision a masked vdb using "MASK EMPLOYEE TABLE" job we have created

Follow the steps on defining the "secvdb" vdb configuration parameters

Select the masking job you want to use to mask your data at the level of "Masking job" list box

If you take a look what happens on the vdb side at masking time execution, you will see on going updates row by row that replaces the sensitive data with fictitious but meaningful ones

       133         21
UPDATE "DELPHIXDB"."EMPLOYEES" SET "CITY" = :1  ,   "FIRST_NAME" = :2  ,   "LAST_NAME" = :3  WHERE  ( ( "ROWID" = :1   ) )
       133         21
UPDATE "DELPHIXDB"."EMPLOYEES" SET "CITY" = :1  ,   "FIRST_NAME" = :2  ,   "LAST_NAME" = :3  WHERE  ( ( "ROWID" = :2   ) )
       133         21
UPDATE "DELPHIXDB"."EMPLOYEES" SET "CITY" = :1  ,   "FIRST_NAME" = :2  ,   "LAST_NAME" = :3  WHERE  ( ( "ROWID" = :3   ) )

       133         21
UPDATE "DELPHIXDB"."EMPLOYEES" SET "CITY" = :1  ,   "FIRST_NAME" = :2  ,   "LAST_NAME" = :3  WHERE  ( ( "ROWID" = :4   ) )

Let's check the content of our new created vdb once the database and masking job are finished

[oracle@linuxsource ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl
[oracle@linuxsource ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> l
  1* select * from delphixdb.employees

FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME                                          DEPT_NAME                                          CITY
--------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Woody           Evans                                              Solution Architects                                Hoboken
Jeff            Zeisler                                            Solution Architects                                Menlo Park
Dr. Jeff        Wootton                                            Lyrical Rap Studies                                Reston
Ted             Girard                                             Sales                                              Bethesda
Adam            Bowen                                              No Sleep Till                                      Brooklyn
Luther          Vandross                                           Superstar                                          NYC
Ted             Girard                                             Sales                                              Bethesda
Jude            Seth                                               Solution Architects                                DK
Darth           Vader                                              Imperial Army                                      Death Star

9 rows selected.

[oracle@linuxtarget ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=secvdb
[oracle@linuxtarget ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> l
  1* select * from delphixdb.employees

FIRST_NAME      LAST_NAME                                          DEPT_NAME                                          CITY
--------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Travis          Skidmore                                           Solution Architects
Nova            Holcombe                                           Solution Architects
Angele          Callaghan                                          Lyrical Rap Studies
Autumn          Buckminster                                        Sales
Tommie          Paddock                                            No Sleep Till
Louann          Blair                                              Superstar
Autumn          Buckminster                                        Sales
Vince           Stratton                                           Solution Architects
Awilda          Emerson                                            Imperial Army

9 rows selected.


This way we ensure that no sensitive data has left the production zone without being masked and got our non-production database copy in matter of minutes

Hope that this writing gives you some ideas on how you can comply faster with regulatory compliances and ensure a high quality of service to your business

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